“5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.”
How great to wake up this morning to a feast! The Lord has set a table for you today. Yes, the Devil has set snares for you throughout your path today. Yes, the world is waiting in the background to tempt, discourage, and spiritually dismember you. Yes, the flesh has already tempted you since your eyes have even opened. Do not look to your enemy. Look to your Shepherd!
Your heavenly Father prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies, and they can but watch and stare as you feast on the glorious gospel and the fruits therein. Do you not see that you have been given this great inheritance this morning? You could’ve woken up as a hater of God, at war with the eternal Soveriegn One. Yet, you have been blessed not only to be called a sheep of the Great Shepherd but also to watch Him make a laughingstock of your enemies as He prepares a feast right in front of their noses. Smell the forgiving spices with which He has cooked. See the decadent grace with which He has designed this meal. Taste the mercy that saves when it is not deserved. My friend, taste and see that the Lord is good this morning!
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Dan